Microsoft says that House windows models Want to be on-line for A minimal of eight hours to get The latest updates and have them appropriately put in after they’re launched by way of House windows Replace.

The Interval of time models working House windows are powered on and related to House windows Replace is tracked by Microsoft as ‘Replace Connectivity.’ 

This measurement correlates the methods’ lack of enough related time with why They are not Up So far whereas additionally making it simpler To know why some models are unlikely to get recently launched updates successabsolutely.

Based mostly on David Guyer, a Microsoft Program Supervisor for House windows Replaces in MEM, House windows models need A minimal of 8 hours on-line to get The latest updates and successabsolutely set up them.

“A pair of of the impactful issues we explored was how a lot time A system Want to be powered on and related to House windows Replace To have The power to successabsolutely set up extreme quality And have updates,” said Guyer.

“What we found is that models That do not meet A particular quantity of related time are Impossible to successabsolutely update. Particularly, knowledge reveals that models need a minimal of two regular related hours, And 6 complete related hours after an update is launched to reliably update.

“This permits for a worthwhile acquire and background set upations That are In a place to restart or resume as quickly as A system is lively and related.”

You will Have The power To hint models with inenough Replace Connectivity by way of Microsoft Intune by navigating to Devices > Monitor and chooseing both the Function update failures or the House windows Expedited update …….
